Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Red Cross shelter, day 2

4:00 am: I got to sleep for about 5 hours and now I'm on shift again. The storm hasn't been as bad as I think people expected since it turned so far inland so we don't have any more people than we did last night. It sounds like we'll close the shelter in the morning since the storm had pretty much run its course here. I'm not sure exactly how the area is doing in terms of power outages, hopefully we have power back on at the house or the generator is still working. I guess we'll find out in a few hours. Now I'm just sitting waiting again to hear any news.

7:30 am: Breakfast is starting now and my shift is almost technically over but I think we're going to pack up and close down the shelter soon. So we might be back home pretty soon, but then I'm not sure what they'll have us do for the rest of the day. Hopefully they'll just let us rest.

8:20 am: After being asleep for only 20 minutes I was woken up to help pack up the shelter. With everyone helping it didn't take long at all and we were out of there by a little after 9.

9:40 am: Now I'm in bed at home ready to take a nap. Luckily we found out that we don't have to work the rest of the day so we just get to relax. We don't have power back yet and we might not for a few days so now irks a whole new adventure. But that's it for now, time for me to nap.

4:00 pm: Not only do we still not have power but our generator stopped working, so now I'm at the library to use internet and just to get out of the house. We should have power back within a few hours though so we're hoping for the best.

5:15 pm: The power is back on! Yay!!!

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