Monday, October 29, 2012

Red Cross shelter, day 1

So like I mentioned could happen yesterday, we ended up being called to help at a Res Cross shelter. That's where I am right now and I'm typing this post on my phone. The reason the title says day 1 is that we're going to be sleeping here, we packed clothes for two days and brought sleeping bags, so we could end up being here for 1 or 2 nights depending on how bad it gets. I figure I'll do a timeline style post about what's happening throughout the day and update it every so often. So here goes.

6:00 am: Left the house to go to the shelter. There are 3 shelters throughout the cape, 5 of my housemates went to the Dennis Yarmouth one and 7 of us are at the Eastham one, which is at the high school.

6:15ish: Arrived at the shelter. We signed in and got a tour of the shelter., and got ourselves settled. We split up shifts and helped with some last set up.

8:00 am: Shelter opened. I'm on the second shift which starts at 2pm so I have some time to relax. No clients at the shelter yet.

9:00 am: After having some Dunkin Donuts the Red Cross brought in for us, I take a nap.

10:30 am: Done with my nap, now I just have to sit and wait. Apparently that's what a lot of today will be, even when I'm on shift. At least I'll be able to catch up on some reading. The weather still hasn't gotten that bad. It's just some wind at this point with some occasional rain.

1:00 pm: So far we have 6 clients at the shelter, and weather-wise it's still just windy here. I've been checking the progress of the storm online and it's slowly moving up the coast but hasn't hit land yet. It looks like the worst of us will miss us but it will definitely get worse later today.

2:00 pm: My shift has started and
I'm at the registration table. I'll be helping check people in once things pick up but right now we still only have about 10 people so there hasn't been a lot to do yet. The storm is moving pretty slowly so it looks like the worst of it will start around 6:00 instead of noon like they originally thought. I just heard that places in Chatham are flooded and there are power outages in parts of Hyannis but here it's still not even raining.

5:00 pm: Still waiting at the registration table but no more people have some yet, the weather hasn't really changed for a few hours. I got to go pick up dinner and we rode in the Red Cross's ERV, or emergency response vehicle, which is pretty much like an ambulance, it was cool.

8:00 pm: I'm off my first shift and have a few hours till I'm on again. So I'm gonna kill some time and then sleep before getting back to work.

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