Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Sad day

So today we got some sad news. We found out that one of our housemates, Brian, is leaving the program, and his last day is going to be this Friday. He has some family issues going on at home in California, so it couldn't really be avoided but it's still really sad. We've all developed such a great dynamic and we've all bonded so well that not having him here is going to be so weird. And it's early enough in the program that they can still replace him, so on top of adjusting to him not being here, soon we'll have to adjust to a new person living with us. I just really hope the new person is as awesome as Brian and that we are all able to get along well so that things go as smoothly in the house as they have been going. Apparently it's not unusual for people to leave the program, last year they lost 3 members, I was just hoping that we would be the exception and everyone would stick it out for the whole year.

So that's the news for now, I have some other things to write about but those can wait because this has overshadowed other things at this point, and also it's getting kinda late and I need to go to sleep. I seem to have fallen back into my habit of staying up unnecessarily late, which was fine over the summer, but now that I have to wake up between 6:30 and 7:30 every morning, not getting enough sleep has been catching up with me. So I'm trying to make myself go to sleep by 10:30 pm again like I was doing at the beginning, which is right now so I have to end here. Goodnight, and hopefully my next post will be a happier one.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, poor Brian! I hope your new housemate doesn't ruin your good dynamic. That would be a bummer.
