Thursday, February 7, 2013

Woods Hole Formal and Winter Storm Nemo

Life on Cape Cod in the winter can be pretty uneventful most of the time, but this past weekend was lots of fun because there were several things happening that made it stand out from other weekends. On Friday night, a bunch of us went to the Woods Hole Winter Formal. It was held at a bar in Woods Hole, which I think is a village in Falmouth, and it was a masquerade ball theme. It was super fun because they played a lot of music that I like to dance to, and it was the largest number of people around my own age that I have seen since I got to the cape haha. When we go out here we usually go see live bands and sit and chat, which is nice, but this was a nice change of pace and something I had been missing since I left Baltimore. Here is a picture of all of us girls all dressed up (some guys came too but for some reason there's no picture of all of us).

Then the next morning, some of us went to a Land Trust Conference in Bourne. It was for people who work for land trusts, environmental groups, and local governments throughout Southeaster Massachusetts to come together and discuss important topics, and it was pretty cool. There were several speakers on different topics and it was very informative. Nothing much more than that to report though, unfortunately not an event that calls for pictures being taken lol.

Then the last thing that happened was the Super Bowl, which I'm sure everyone knows about so there's not much to tell there either, except that we had a house potluck dinner so we could all eat together before the game. It was nice, we've done it a few times before and it always turns out great because everyone in the house is good at cooking so there's tons of good food, and it's a fun way to eat together in addition to our weekly house dinner.

Now we're having more excitement as the Cape braces for the blizzard, or Winter Storm Nemo as it's being called. We just found out earlier today that we are being deployed to shelters again like we were during Hurricane Sandy, but this storm seems like it's going to be far worse so I doubt this shelter experience will be as boring as the last one. It's pretty crazy, some years there are no shelter openings that the AmeriCorps members have to help with, and this program year so far we've had 2. You just never know what's going to happen I guess. I might keep blogging from my phone as the storm progresses like I did the last time, but I'm not sure there will be much to report so I might not. Or I could be so busy I don't have time to. We'll just have to see what happens. I hope everyone fares well during this blizzard, according to all the weather reports it's supposed to be a huge one.

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