Thursday, September 27, 2012

Welcome to my new blog!

So it's been almost 3 weeks since I've been in Cape Cod for my AmeriCorps program and I've had so many great experiences so far that I wanted to share them with anyone who was interested. This will just be my introductory post to let everyone know about it and see who is interested in reading it, but I will post more about what has happened so far as soon I can.

The basic run-down of what has happened so far is this: I'm living in Wellfleet in a house with 13 other people, and we are all part of the AmeriCorps Cape Cod program which works on environmental and disaster preparedness projects on Cape Cod. So far we've just had training sessions and a few group projects, but it's been great and everyone I'm living with is awesome. I thought living in such close proximity with so many other people would be really hard but so far it's been good, and I'm getting along well with everyone and we're having lots of fun already.

One major change to my routine has been that I've been having to get up really early every day and have started going to sleep a lot earlier instead of staying up until 1 or 2 am like I'm used to, so I'm starting to get tired already and I should stop now and write more later. I'll leave you with a picture for now that gives an idea of the experience so far:

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