Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Another blog post finally!

I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to post. We didn't have wifi for about a week and a half recently and I didn't want to take as much time on the house computer as a blog post would have taken since all 13 of us had to share that computer. So a lot has happened, but I will give a quick synopsis of the most interesting things.

A few weekends ago one of my housemates and I went to the Cape Cod Beer brewery in Hyannis for a tour. The brewery is really small so we basically just stood and listened to the tour guide and also got to taste a bunch of the types of beer while the tour guide talked about the beer-making process, the history of the company and how each of the beers was made. It was really fun, and the beer was really good. And it's great that it's a local company so I feel good about supporting them. Here's a few pictures I took at the brewery. 

We also recently had a few holiday-related activities at our house. The first was the day we took our holiday picture so people could send out Christmas cards. We went to the beach and took some group pictures in our ugly Christmas sweaters. We took some serious ones and then some of them we got a little silly. Here's a taste of what went on.

This was our most normal pose...

This one shows a little bit of what goes on in our house on a regular basis haha

Then we got creative with the posing...

...and a little silly. 

The last one was just random haha. 

After that we decorated our Christmas tree! It's just a random pine tree we took from a service project where we were cutting them down in a field, but it turned out very nice. :)

Then this weekend the festivities continued with our Christmas Party which involved a potluck dinner, secret santa, white elephant swap, and a Jeopardy game that two of the girls put together to help us get to know each other. It was cool, they did interviews with each of us and then made questions about some of the things they learned and put us into teams to answer them for the game. For the white elephant, we decided that the gifts had to be free from the swap shop at the transfer station (the dump as I'm used to calling it, Massachusetts seems to like to make up it's own words for things lol), so everything was really random and hilarious. For the secret santa, we had a $10 limit but everyone ended up getting great gifts. Since we all spend so much time together, we know a lot about what each person likes so it was probably the best secret santa I've done since everyone got something that was great for them. I have a few pictures of this celebration also, but not very many. Here they are:

Meg got a green plastic knight suit as a secret santa gift. 

The knight suit was quite popular so Mike took it when it was his turn to choose a gift. 

So that's been our Christmas celebrations up to now, definitely lots of fun and gotten us in the Christmas spirit. Now for a bonus picture: this me and Meg and it was taken during one of our group service projects last week. It was raining and we were working outside all day so we were wearing our "foulies," which is our bright orange rain gear.

Even though it was raining and we were wet, it was still a great day and made me realize how lucky I am that I get to be outside all day, even in all kinds of inclement weather, doing work that I feel like really makes a difference. I'm so thankful that I was accepted to this program because I've met so many awesome people and had so many great experiences even just the few months I've been here so far, and I know the rest of the year is going to be just as amazing!